Building a design system

Tutorial — 4 parts


Let's create a scalable design system setup for maintaining consistency and sharing UI components across multiple applications

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As companies grow and scale, many teams struggle with duplicated components, inconsistent designs, and redundant code across different applications. For many developers and designers, maintaining a unified UI across multiple projects becomes increasingly challenging.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up a shared design system library using React and a visualization application using Storybook.

We will also briefly cover code quality checks, deployments, and more!

  • Prior experience building UI components.
  • Prior experience working with shared code and dependencies.
What you'll learn
rocket How to configure a scalable and developer-friendly setup.
candy How to bundle components and share them across applications.
party-popper How to establish a single source of truth within a team.

Part 1: Understanding the context

  • Understanding design challenges.
  • Highlighting common struggles between developers and designers.
  • Overview of a Design System.

Part 2: Setting things up

  • Reviewing the front-end setup.
  • Understanding development environments & tooling.
  • Setting up a Design System library.

Part 3: Building components

  • Creating a basic test setup.
  • Adding the first component.
  • Discussion around specs and documentation.

Part 4: Showcasing the work

  • Using Storybook to visualize things.
  • Adding additional features and plugins.
  • Deploying Storybook to production.